Here’s a concise summary of key philosophical concepts and ideas that could help you prepare for a 30-mark question. This summary covers major branches of philosophy, key thinkers, and central themes:
1. Metaphysics (Study of Reality)
Definition: Examines the nature of reality, existence, and the universe.
Key Concepts:
Ontology: Study of being and existence.
Dualism vs. Monism: Dualism (Descartes) argues for the separation of mind and body, while monism (Spinoza) sees reality as one unified substance.
Causality: The relationship between cause and effect (Aristotle, Hume).
Free Will vs. Determinism: Debate on whether human actions are free or determined by prior causes.
2. Epistemology (Study of Knowledge)
Definition: Investigates the nature, sources, and limits of knowledge.
Key Concepts:
Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza): Knowledge comes from reason and innate ideas.
Empiricism (Locke, Hume): Knowledge derives from sensory experience.
Skepticism (Pyrrho, Hume): Questions the possibility of certain knowledge.
Kant’s Synthesis: Combines rationalism and empiricism, arguing that knowledge is shaped by both experience and innate structures of the mind.
3. Ethics (Study of Morality)
Definition: Explores concepts of right and wrong, good and evil.
Key Theories:
Virtue Ethics (Aristotle): Focuses on character and virtues like courage, wisdom, and justice.
Deontology (Kant): Emphasizes duty and adherence to moral rules (e.g., the Categorical Imperative).
Utilitarianism (Bentham, Mill): Judges actions based on their consequences and the maximization of happiness.
Existentialist Ethics (Sartre): Stresses individual freedom and responsibility in creating meaning.
4. Political Philosophy
Definition: Examines the nature of justice, power, and governance.
Key Thinkers:
Plato: Ideal state ruled by philosopher-kings.
Hobbes: Social contract theory to avoid the "state of nature" (chaos).
Locke: Natural rights (life, liberty, property) and limited government.
Marx: Critique of capitalism and advocacy for a classless society.
5. Philosophy of Mind
Definition: Studies the nature of the mind, consciousness, and mental states.
Key Concepts:
Dualism (Descartes): Mind and body are distinct.
Materialism (Hobbes, Churchland): Mind is a product of physical processes.
Functionalism: Mental states are defined by their functions rather than their internal constitution.
6. Existentialism
Definition: Focuses on individual existence, freedom, and choice.
Key Thinkers:
Kierkegaard: Emphasized subjective truth and the leap of faith.
Nietzsche: Critiqued traditional morality and proclaimed the "death of God."
Sartre: "Existence precedes essence"; humans create their own meaning.
7. Eastern Philosophy
Key Traditions:
Confucianism: Emphasizes ethics, family, and social harmony.
Taoism (Laozi): Focuses on living in harmony with the Tao (the Way).
Buddhism: Seeks enlightenment and liberation from suffering (Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path).
8. Key Philosophical Methods
Socratic Method: Dialogue and questioning to uncover truth.
Dialectics (Hegel): Resolution of contradictions through synthesis.
Phenomenology (Husserl): Study of structures of consciousness.
9. Modern and Contemporary Philosophy
Analytic Philosophy (Russell, Wittgenstein): Focuses on logic, language, and clarity.
Pragmatism (Peirce, James, Dewey): Truth is what works in practice.
Postmodernism (Foucault, Derrida): Critiques grand narratives and emphasizes relativism.
10. Key Quotes and Ideas
Socrates: "The unexamined life is not worth living."
Descartes: "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am).
Kant: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law."
Nietzsche: "God is dead."
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